Can You Power Wash A Brick House Or Commercial Building?

Can You Power Wash A Brick House Or Commercial Building?

The façade of your building, whether it’s a cozy brick home or a sprawling commercial establishment, speaks volumes about the care and attention given to its maintenance. Over time, brick structures accumulate dirt, mold, moss, and other unwanted substances that can detract from their appearance and even compromise the integrity of the brickwork. As such, many wonder about the feasibility of using a power wash to revitalize brick buildings. The simple answer? Yes, you can power wash brick, but it requires specific techniques and precautions. Let’s find out more!

Why Power Wash Brick?

  • Boost Aesthetic Appeal: A clean exterior can elevate the overall appearance of a property, making it look well-maintained and inviting.
  • Extend Lifespan of Brick: Regular maintenance, including proper cleaning, can help prolong the life of brickwork by preventing the buildup of harmful substances that may cause brick deterioration.
  • Enhance Property Value: A clean, well-maintained building often garners higher market value, attracting potential buyers or tenants.

Preparation Before Power Washing Brick

  • Inspect for Damages: Before you begin, closely inspect the brickwork for any cracks, loose bricks, or deteriorated mortar. Any weak spots can be exacerbated by the force of the water. If you identify any such areas, they should be repaired before cleaning.
  • Cover Surroundings: Protect plants, outdoor furniture, and other vulnerable objects near the washing area. It’s advisable to dampen the vegetation around the brick structure. This will reduce the chances of plants absorbing any runoff, especially if you’re using cleaning solutions.
  • Choose the Right Equipment: Not all power washers are the same. For brick, it’s ideal to utilize a pressure washer with a psi (pounds per square inch) of 3,000 or less. Also, opt for a wide-angle tip (between 25 to 40 degrees) to ensure an even and gentle wash.

The Proper Technique to Power Wash Brick

  • Start with Low Pressure: Always start with the lowest pressure setting. It’s better to be gentle and raise the pressure gradually than to begin with a force that could damage the brick.
  • Maintain Distance: Hold the nozzle of the pressure washer at least 12 inches or more from the surface. This distance ensures effective cleaning without the risk of damaging the bricks.
  • Work in Sections: To ensure an even cleaning, work on small sections at a time. Start from the top and work your way down to prevent dirty water from streaking areas you’ve already cleaned.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Once you’ve covered every section, give the entire brick structure a thorough rinse to remove loosened debris and any residual cleaning solution.

Post Power Washing Care

  • Allow Brick to Dry Completely: Brick is porous and will retain water. After a power wash, give it ample time (typically 24 to 48 hours) to dry out completely.
  • Re-seal if Necessary: If your brick had been previously sealed, you might need to reapply a sealant after power washing to provide an added layer of protection against moisture and contaminants.

Power washing a brick house or commercial building can rejuvenate its appearance, preserving the integrity of the brick and enhancing the property’s value. However, it’s essential to approach this cleaning method with the right equipment, techniques, and care. When executed correctly, the results can be truly transformative.

Considering professional power washing services for your brick property? Explore our power washing services to guarantee the best results.

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